Wednesday, October 8, 2014

It's Opening Night!

Ahhh.... it's good to have hockey back. With only football on tv right now, it's great to have another sport going on week nights.
Of course we also have a new tv deal in place. Which means the dreaded "exclusivity" word is going to be talked about ad nauseam.
From what I can tell, in true Canadian tv spirit, what we were told six months ago when the deal was signed and what is actually happening are quite different.
We were told, ``NO MORE BLACKOUTS!``
What we have is.... a LOT of blackouts.


So to celebrate... uh... oh yeah, the season starting, I`ll show off a few recent card pickups.

first, a little P.K. to start the day.
this is a mini tall boy card, only available via the OPC wrapper redemption. You send in 50 hobby wrappers and you get a pack of 6 cards. Five are red bordered parallels and one is a mini tall boy.
 I managed to get Mr Subban here at the last card show in a larger deal for $2.

Also from the current set is the black bordered foil parallel /100
I overpaid at $4, but I don`t mind. That`s what you get when you buy the day after the product comes out.

The foil parallel of Carey Price set me back $1. A no brainer.

Here`s a card that I traded for at the last trade night. I hardly ever see relics or autos of Bob Gainey so when I saw it, I knew I had to trade for it. Thankfully the previous owner is an easy trade partner and a deal was soon struck.

The rest of `em are all Mask cards.
A Brian Hayward from 12/13... I now only need two to finish my set. Irbe and Quick.

And a set I`ve really just started on, the 13/14 Masked Men 6 set.

I picked these up for between $1 and $1.50 each over the last two shows, plus trade night.

I`ve said it before, and I`ll say it again... I don`t like junior goalies in my Mask set.

But Mr Grahame here gets bonus points... Boobs!

another newish feature are the goalies with their International masks. I don`t think I like this either..
 but it is more acceptable than having the juniors included

Thanks for taking a peek.

1 comment:

  1. That Subban mini-tallboy is stunning. I'm sure that'll be a popular set to build.

    Nice job on the masks. Maybe one year they'll get it right.
